I woke up this morning. I drag my ass out of bed, brew some coffee, and let my dog out. My neck and shoulders ache. I feel a bit foggy. Okay, I'm not feeling it today. As my younger sister would say, “I'm sick and I'm old”. Yes, that's how I feel.
I call into work to see if any vacation days are available... Eureka, there is one! Give it to me, give it to me! Yeah, I got it!
I can hardly stand my job most days. I work in telecommunications in large business, or as my company would say, “The world wide customer service center”. Yes, they selected 30 people out of our center to be on-line reps taking non-stop calls for customer service.
“Thank you for calling blah blah blah Worldwide customer service center, this is Becky blah blah blah, how may I help you today?”
Customer...”I am the telecommunication technician at blah blah blah Incorporated. I have a T.1 circuit, it comes into my building from the the d-marc, through the PBX. I need to know how to configure my equipment to have the 24 channels route to my , PRI lines, my BRI lines, my ISDN lines, and my DID's.”
Me thinking....”What the fuck are you talking about!!?? Don't you have a billing question? I handle billing for God's sake. If you are a fucking techy, why don't YOU know how to do this?
My response, “ Why yes, I CAN assist you with that. May I get some information from you. Your name, your can be reached number, and account number?”
Customer... “Well I don't know my account number, can't you look it up by the name of the company? It's a business account.”
Me thinking... "Of course it's a business account you idiot. Fuck no, I can't! You are a large business! Don't you even know the account number you're calling in about? I have thirty-one different systems, offer 8 different kinds of business service, and you don't know!!!!”
My response...”I would need more information. Many corporations have several accounts under the same name.. Do you know the main phone number associated with your account and CAN cross reference it.”
Customer...” I'm a technician, I don't have access to that information. Can't YOU people do anything. I been transferred 3 times. I have been on the phone for 20 minutes. "
Me thinking...”You've been transferred around because you don't know shit about your own company and don't even know your account fucking number! Well, that me pull that out of my ass.”
Yada, yada, yada, yada, yada.
I end the call after searching 15 systems and basically pulling the information out of my ass, “I located your account. Let me get you to the correct department so we CAN better assist you. The number there is 888-888-8888. Is there anything else I can assist you with? Do you mind holding while I transfer you? You have a great day, and thank you for calling blah blah blah World wide customer service center, have a great day.”
Sorry for boring all of you with my rant and my ass kissing job. It was very cathartic. You didn't sense any hostility, did you? (This is why I take anti-depressants.) Thank goodness for all of the wonderful people I work with, the great pay, and the benefits or I would be outta there!
Yeah, I got a vacation day! Now that I got that out, I can enjoy it.
If you made it through my whole post.....I took some pictures of my animals surrounding me this morning. How they calm me.... Molly., Snowball, and bogart. I must warn you, I'm no photographer. But of course, blogger will not post my pics... I'll try later.