Me and my best friend. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but we looked kinda gay.
My niece and her husband, totally in love,
Back to my neice and her husband, they reminded me of me and Randy. Randy was way too cool to dance but the dynamic of their relationship almost mirrors ours. They say what is on their minds and move on, laughing afterwards. They know what they can change and what they can't, they accept, and love whole heartedly.
Let's not forget my adopted nephew. I had to take him. He is a widower at 33. I've always loved that boy. We truly have a lot in common now. As long as they invite me to come to the concerts, I will invite him to every one of them. He told me music gets him through.
I took some of Randy's ashes there that night. I sprinkled them at his hidey-hole about 400 feet behind the stage, under a tree. He would go there to smoke and de-stress. The whole crew was there and a couple of vendors. They all respected my husband and told me they were honored to share the moment.
We screamed, danced, and laughed at the concert...because your never too old to rock-n-roll but you can be too young to die.