It truly was a "moving" tribute. Randy's cousin, Daniel Case, was on the wall. He was only 19 when he was killed. His tour began Feb. 12th, 1970 and tragically ended Apr. 11th, 1970. Very sad.
We found his name and did a charcoal etching for Randy's mom. The display was impressive. It kind of creeps me out that we were smiling in the pictures, standing in front of 58,178 names of the people that died in Vietnam. Sorry...
We went back the next day and volunteered to help tear it down, pack it up, and escort it out of town. Four of us from the Patriot Guard were there. (I'll post pictures later.)
I was the only woman there, except, of course, the woman that was in charge. I was the "screw girl". Yes, that's me; the screw girl. That's what the old veterans were calling me as I held the can for the screws as we tore down the wall. It was pretty tough for them to keep their composure as they would call out, "Screw Girl", to collect the screws they had for their part of the tear down. I just don't know how they would have done it without the screw girl. Oh, those guys were sooo sweet. Whatever, those Vets are some crazy sombitches; crazy fun. It was very interesting to hear the good stories they had and disturbing to hear the others. I don't think I could survive a battlefield, emotionally or physically. God bless 'em. All in all, we actually had a good time together.
The VFW served us lunch and we got on our bikes and escorted them about 20 miles out of town.
To our Vietnam Vets, the families, and the communities, you have our sincere condolences to all the names on the wall.
If you would like to search the wall for friends and family, you can do it here.
Pictures taken by our local newspaper...¤tPage=26&play=1#slides